Saturday, July 26, 2008
Moving This Blog to New Host...
And thank you for your visitations. I hope and pray that they will continue at the new site.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Sinfulness of the Sin of Silence, Part 4: Be a Watchman!
Granted, God has called pastors, and evangelists, and men to teach and preach His Word, and to warn sinners of their wicked way, pleading with them to turn from their sin and to trust in Christ for righteousness and salvation. But I am convinced by Scripture that every member of the body of Christ has been saved such that they can then become a vessel of mercy to a merciless world. Every Christian is a watchman of God in the sense that we all have been commissioned to make disciples of the nations.
We know that judgment is coming and that it is not a far off reality. No, unbelievers are condemned already, and the reality of it is coming quickly and nothing can stay Christ's hand. As Christians we ought to be intimate with the realities of sin, death, hell, and the eternality of torment, and we ought to stand on these things as essential doctrines of the faith which serve to prod unbelievers towards Christ and believers towards a more consistent movement of biblical evangelism.
The world is like the people of Israel hidden behind a wall of security ignorant of impending and sovereign judgment and terror. God likens Ezekiel to the watchman who would keep watch day and night for rival armies and onslaughts. By God's Word, Ezekiel is privy to His judgment against sin. He knows that it is coming and that when it does the sinner will die. But whose hands will be dirty of the sinner's blood? Will Ezekiel be silent even though he knows that God is coming in wrath against sin? If he does, he is guilty of that sinner's blood. Do you see the sinfulness of the sin of our silence? They don't know what is coming, we do by the grace of God; we can blow the trumpet and warn them; we can offer them the way of salvation, - a salvation designed and purposed by God to save sinners from God. And this we must do lest we commit such a grievous sin, - that we would let the sinner walk into the eternal fires unwarned, - all the while watching them and saying nothing!
Paul remembered this text in Acts 20:26. What he says has always amazed me, -
"I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. And now, behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again. Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all of you, (why?) for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.
Is this our testimony today? Have you been a faithful watchman boldly declaring the whole counsel of God? This is the only means of new life in the dead heart. "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ," Romans 10:17. No one will be saved without hearing the Gospel of the grace of God in Christ. And they will only hear when we, being faithful to our post, "speak to warn the wicked from his way." Oh, that every Christian might declare, "I am innocent of the blood of all of you," no matter if the "all of you" includes a congregation, or your co-workers, or your colleagues at school, or your family members and friends, or the unbeliever on the other side of the intercom at the fast food line. Let us speak up and not be silent. Let us fulfill the duty and the delight of the watchman of God in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Sinfulness of the Sin of Silence, Part 3: Whatever Happened to the Holy Spirit?
"When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning," John 15:26-27, -
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth," Acts 1:8, -
The Holy Spirit is the forgotten Person in the Trinity. Many, it seems, are afraid of Him. Others have confused the purpose and goal of His ministry. This may be an oversimplification, but the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to transform sinners into disciples of Jesus who daily pursue Christ-likeness and an identification with Christ in His resurrection ministry. By Him we are inclined towards the means of grace and personal sanctification. The Holy Spirit regenerates and quickens dead sinners, and energizes the dynamic of God's Word. And among these and many other things, the Spirit of Jesus Christ works in us to testify of Jesus Christ, - to speak up concerning the Gospel.
It is this particular aspect of His ministry that I'm concerned with in this blog. Many of us who have been indwelt by Him have experienced that powerful tug upon our hearts to open our mouths and share the Gospel of Christ with the unbeliever nearby. Perhaps we have begun a conversation with them, - we shoot the breeze with them about sports, food, drink, and then we go deeper towards more offensive things like politics and objective morality, and then there comes the tug (will I or will I not - what will I say - how will I do this exactly - how will they respond - this is the spiritual warfare of the moment when eternal consequences hang in the balance!)
It is a worrisome thing not to feel this tug; it is a blessed reality to know it; it is more blessed to act upon it in the power of God's Spirit. But how many of us are so full of God's Holy Spirit that when that occasion of witness comes we will quite supernaturally overflow with the words of grace and mercy, of the Law and Gospel of Christ, and these things with all boldness?
Any amount of time spent in Acts reveals a power working within the converts that compelled them to bear witness of Christ before all men, even at the inevitable prospect of suffering persecution or death. John the Baptist prepared the way and Jesus Christ our Lord came saying, "I am the Way," and that exclusively. Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the coming of the kingdom of heaven. But when Christ had finally been taking up into heaven and was seated at the right hand of power above all rule and authority and name, He sent the Holy Spirit, and the immediate effect was an outbreak of Christian testimony. This is the great consequence of really knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection, that we are filled with the Holy Spirit of Christ and set free to serve all in the proclamation of the Gospel at all costs.
Allow me an example to conclude with, - "deacon Stephen!" Three times the Bible says that Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit:
1. The first mention of this fullness stands as a qualification of his being chosen as a deacon and of that example that we ought to imitate, - "they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit," Acts 6:5.
2. The second mention of this fullness pertains to his apologetics, - "then some...rose up and disputed with Stephen. But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking," Acts 6:9-10. Notice that he was speaking!
3. The third mention of this fullness comes after he has been falsely accused and seized. Standing trial the high priest asks him if the things that he had been falsely accused of were true. Being full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen took the opportunity to (you guessed it!) open up the Scriptures concerning Jesus Christ (I recommend you reading it!) They didn't like being told that they resisted the Holy Spirit and murdered the Messiah. Because of these things they became enraged and ground their teeth at him, intending to kill him. Impending martyrdom is the context where we find the Bible saying of Stephen, "But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God," Acts 7:55. And full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen proclaimed to them, - in the face of death for it, - exactly what he had seen, - Jesus at the right hand of God! Again, he spoke!
I mention these things because they prove a wonderfully biblical point and offer a penetrating challenge: The point is this, - If God has filled us with His Holy Spirit He intends for us to speak by Him, in Him, of Christ to all with every opportunity at all costs. Stephen was so full of the Holy Spirit that he delightfully succombed to that which is most natural for the Holy Spirit to do, namely, bear witness of Jesus Christ! The challenge is this, - are you so full of the Holy Spirit? For it is only by that fullness that we, like Stephen, will shun silence and herald Christ! And although it is true that God has given the Holy Spirit to believers in such a way that He could not give any more of Him, yet at the same time we need to be practically, daily, devotionally, passionately filled with Christ's Holy Spirit. The principle is given, and the practice is on that basis commanded.
My encouragement then is to go and get so drenched with the Holy Spirit that when the opportunity arises to speak up for Christ and for the sake of the lost you will not shy away from it and keep silent but rather overflow with the testimony, wisdom, and power of nothing less than the Holy Spirit Himself which no man can withstand, - in Jesus' name.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Sinfulness of the Sin of Silence, Part 2: Disassociations and Disobedience
Our disassociations seem to come on the basis of human distinctions and personal disobedience. We will talk about Christ and have Gospel conversation with those like us. But the tattered beggar at the McDonald's asking for change, or the tattoed trucker at the gas station; the person whose flesh is of a different color, whose ethnicity is distinctive from our own, whose political slants are insulting to us, whose bank accounts are too high or too needy; the co-worker who cusses too much, whose gluttony disturbs you, whose character is...well, they have nothing good going for them, - they are too sinful to talk to about salvation. They are different. Let us go to our own neighborhoods, our own people, our own kind. We have disassociated from some basic biblical realities, -
1. We were them, - sinners at enmity with God, - and yet God graciously saved us. We are sinners saved by grace. Have we forgotten this so quickly? We are sinners. We are in pursuit of Christ-likeness, but we are nevertheless sinners, and by that reality we ought to endeavor to share the Gospel with other sinners. And we are sinners saved by grace, that is, God was not obligated to save us apart from Christ but He set us in Christ, and that not due to anything in us (we are sinners) but due to everything in Christ and on that basis alone God freely bestowed salvation upon sinners. We didn't earn it and we aren't worthy of it, but for Christ's grace. I often think, - "If God saved me, what reason do I have to doubt that He will save these, and by that reckoning, why have I persisted in withholding Christ from them?"
2. The Gospel implores us to see beyond external distinctions to the internal, spiritual need of all people without distinction. In Christ there is no Jew or Greek, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free; but Christ is all, and in all, Colossians 3:11. Because of the binding power of the Gospel, Euodia (a Jew) and Syntyche (a Gentile) are sisters in Christ whom Paul entreats to agree, - on what basis? - that they are in the Lord, Philippians 4:2. The cross-work of Christ knows no distinction but sinner in need of salvation, and we are all him or her. So it is our aim to evangelize the world knowing that the everyone in the world, regardless of human distinction, have at least one thing in common, - we are all sinners in need of Christ. Like Christ let us see the great need of the people we converse with tomorrow and take aim at offering the Lord to them.
3. Then there is always that Great Commission! "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age," Matthew 28:18-20. Why then are the laborers few (Matthew 9:37-38)? A lack of prayer to the Lord of the harvest for sure, but also a disassociation from the authority of Scripture and its infallible binding upon the very life of Christ's disciples. In so far as we move away from the Bible, we move away from our Lord Himself, and His exhortations for godly living. Christ commissioned us to be active in making disciples and teaching them to observe all that He has commanded. How are we to teach others if we are unwilling ourselves to obey the authoritative commission and rule of our Lord to advance the Gospel at all costs.
4. We have disassociated ourselves from the cost of advancing the Gospel of Christ and the gracious privilege of sharing in His sufferings. Many of us upon our conversions simply did not count the cost of following Jesus Christ. We did not count all things loss for His sake so that on the occasion of actually losing them for His sake we would not be sidelined from sharing Christ but emboldened to advance the Gospel all the more courageously knowing more intimately the Treasure that is our Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:7-9; Acts 9:15-16; Luke 14:26-33). We are all too comfortable. At the slightest hint of persecution or suffering, - of which by and large we know nothing of, - do you recant and recoil or like the apostles, do you rejoice at being counted worthy of suffering for the sake of Christ and the advancement of His Gospel (Acts 5:41, 16:25).
5. We have disassociated ourselves from eternal musing or meditation. Take time to think about the worst of temporal diseases, those that have no known cure. Think about the worst possible thing that these diseases can do to a person. Answer: Take their life. And then comes judgment and an eternal verdict! What disease can ravage the soul, the mind, and the body so as to take a person to hell? What is the consequence of this disease? Answers: Sin and a second death, that is, eternal torment in hell consequent of a personal and eternal rejection of and transgression against the Eternal God. And because these things are eternal and can capture your soul into hell, this disease, and its consequences are infinitely greater than anything that ravages the body alone unto the first death. But the Eternal God has given, offered, and commanded a Gospel, a cure, - Jesus Christ stepping out of heaven, into flesh, and on a cross, becoming sin for us who knew no sin so that we, the sinner, might become in Jesus the very righteousness of God before God who demands that we are so savingly clothed. This Gospel, beloved, we carry around with us. Every person that we pass is condemned already, embodying sin. Of the deepest sinfulness, then, is this sin of silence when we withhold the only means of eternal salvation and reconciliation to God through faith in the truth as it is in Jesus alone.
These are just some thoughts concerning my personal disassociations and disobedience in Gospel endeavor. There are, undoubtedly, many more reasons for my silence. I would hope to encourage you in this, however, - that the only true failure in Gospel endeavor is to say nothing at all. Every attempt that is made God is pleased to plant. These disassociations are my attempt at getting beneath that singular failure of silence to the "why" have I neglected so great a commission, privilege, and interest in the greatest need of human beings (sinners in need of Christ for righteousness). I hope that this strikes an edifying cord with you, as it does a convicting and repentant one in me. I pray that God might challenge us all, daily, to associate with and acquaint ourselves with Christ, His Gospel, and the condition of the lost, so as to overflow our spirits with an urgent desire to speak to all men, in all places, at all times of repentance towards and faith in Jesus Christ.
Your additional comments to these things are greatly desired by this bondservant who is in such great need of daily reminders to make the main thing the main thing.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Sinfulness of the Sin of Silence, Part 1
My aim is to display a universal guilt in the multiplicity of Gospel shortcomings, - everyone has failed in a variety of ways and arenas, and therefore, all must repent towards a more Christ-like means of evangelism. I will attempt at rectifying biblically and logically the sinfulness of this sin of silence, and thereby, to encourage all believers practically in Gospel endeavor, - that we may know the privilege of being the Divine means, a.k.a., the role of human responsibility in God's end of evangelizing the world for the sake of His name. Let us aspire to that triumphant sentence - "I have warned everyone; I am clean of the blood of all men."
I have entitled the series The Sinfulness of the Sin of Silence to bring about a deep realization of the nature of that evil that becomes us when we shut up from the world that exclusive and most urgent cure which is able to alleviate the fallen nature of man, the ultimate disease of humanity, and reconcile them to God. But this is necessary, for if we do not feel this, we will not feel a burden for the lost or the great assurance that comes from walking in Christ's command.
May God bless you - whoever you are - as you read, and me as I blog, that we might all become more passionate and intense for the salvation of sinners. Please dialogue with me on these things that God's Spirit might be glorified in the edification of His Body. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
In A 2004 Article by Jeff Robinson...
In the article Knapp says (though the italics belong to me),
"Despite how [some] might define and understand postmodernism and the church, I think the classic definitions apply to Mars Hill and churches like it..."
"Truth for them seems to be more subjective and experiential than a product of a worldview developed by means of an interaction with God's Word, an interaction that often requires rigorous exegetical study and a measured reflection upon the results of that study."
Monday, June 30, 2008
A Farewell Thought to June of 2008
Philippians 3:1-11 has simply forced me, wonderfully forced me, to gaze longingly and musingly at the supremacy of Christ - how treasuring Jesus helps us to endure the toughest of trials, for in Him exists a triumphant joy that serves to strengthen us in the midst of our deepest loss and greatest sufferings for His sake. His Gospel stands supreme against all contemporary "Judaizers" - Jesus is completely sufficient to save. Paul has defined for me a wonderful caricature of the Christian as one who (1) worships by the Spirit of God, (2a) glories in Christ Jesus, (2b) puts no confidence in the flesh, (3) counts all things loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus, (4) whose great passion is to "gain Christ and be found in Him," - which means to forfeit the righteousness of works that we so earnestly contend for as the basis of salvation before Christ, and instead, to trust in the righteousness from God that depends on faith in Christ, a.k.a., a perfect imputed (alien) righteousness given on the basis of faith alone! (5) But also one who in contemplation of the supremacy of Christ - Savior, Lord, Righteousness, Treasure - and the faith that binds one to Him, yearns - yearns! - to know and be transformed by the sanctifying power of Christ's resurrection - an earnest knowing, sharing, conforming, and attaining! - to know Him, to know Jesus Christ - with increasing intimacy! This will help us suffer the loss of all things for His sake - and we must!
Lastly, my wife and I have been given over to the consideration of "counting all things loss" - not just confidence in the flesh for salvation, but quite literally, the adding up and counting of all things as LOSS for the sake of Christ. It is as John Piper is well-known to have said in that wonderful dialogue on the prosperity gospel - that when one suffers the loss of all things, even and especially those things most dear to them, and he or she can still say that Christ is enough, Jesus is all-satisfying, God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever - this makes Jesus look beautiful! I don't know about you, but I want to make Jesus look beautiful, because He is supremely beautiful. I have thought - what is most dear to me in this life - my wife - the prospect of children with her - family - friends - my own life - these we must hate, these we must consider rubbish in so far as they hinder us from gaining Christ (Luke 14:26 cf. Philippians 3:8-9), for in themselves they are of the sweetest blessings of God. To write LOSS over everything in this life, so that when and if we are to suffer the loss of it, it will not sideline us for Christ, but though we grieve, it will strengthen our dependency upon and delight in and propagation of Him - Jesus, the Lord, to the glory of God.
I will, therefore, leave you and this month now passed in history with a parable and a thought to sum up God's work in me:
Parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it," Matthew 13:45-46.
Thought: If God were to require your life from you this very hour, what would you want Him to find you supremely treasuring? And thus, what are you supremely treasuring? Kingdoms that an hour in hell will cause you to quickly forget? Or Jesus Christ, the Pearl of Glory? And, ah, that we would endeavor at all costs to set this Pearl before all men!
For us all, may it be the latter in Jesus' beautiful name. Amen.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Concerning Moral Free Will and Irresistable Grace/ Effectual Calling: A Definition for Any Inquirers
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter IX.
From Desiring God
And a definition from the Canons of Dort:
Article 12: Regeneration a Supernatural Work
And this is the regeneration, the new creation, the raising from the dead, and the making alive so clearly proclaimed in the Scriptures, which God works in us without our help. But this certainly does not happen only by outward teaching, by moral persuasion, or by such a way of working that, after God has done his work, it remains in man's power whether or not to be reborn or converted. Rather, it is an entirely supernatural work, one that is at the same time most powerful and most pleasing, a marvelous, hidden, and inexpressible work, which is not lesser than or inferior in power to that of creation or of raising the dead, as Scripture (inspired by the author of this work) teaches. As a result, all those in whose hearts God works in this marvelous way are certainly, unfailingly, and effectively reborn and do actually believe. And then the will, now renewed, is not only activated and motivated by God but in being activated by God is also itself active. For this reason, man himself, by that grace which he has received, is also rightly said to believe and to repent.
Counting All Things Loss in View of Our Treasury, Jesus Christ
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me...whoever loses his life for my sake will save it," Luke 9:23.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish,'" Luke 14:26-30.
These things our Lord said when great crowds accompanied him. Does this not seem to contrast in a great way the methodology of today designed to bring masses of people in to the church? He does not comfort them with worldly pleasantries - no, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ you had to write LOSS over those things that are most dear to you in this world - your wife, your children, your family and friends, etc. But there is good reason: Jesus is the Treasure; Jesus is to be our dearest delight. He comforts us rather with the prospect of Himself - Jesus is our only GAIN. This is (but by grace) a nearly unbearable word - when a child comes forth from the womb, a climactic moment in this life, we write "loss" over them for the sake of Christ so that if we actually suffered the loss of them (although we will rightly grieve with many tears and sorrows and wailings) we will not be sidelined for the cause of Christ, but rather we will know Christ more intimately, extol Him more passionately, describe Him to the lost more all-satisfyingly - Christ is the Treasure, and He is our portion...forever.
If we treasure Jesus above all else, then "all else" becomes expendable for His sake. If Christ is most dear to us, and we suffer the loss of those things beneath Him, then we maintain that no matter the loss, Christ we still have. What is it to suffer the loss of those things which we have already considered loss...that we may gain Christ and be found in Him? I find this extremely heavy but a necessary meditation. Have I..have you counted the cost of following Christ, and thus, written LOSS over everything because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord? Not only our pre-Christian confidence in the flesh as the basis of salvation, although this is essential to salvation; but everything that in any circumstance would hinder us from knowing, gaining, and treasuring Christ above all else!
Our Lord told Ananias of Paul, "For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name," - a name that Christ chose Paul to carry to the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel, - and why is suffering for carrying this name essentially linked, - because, "there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved," Acts 4:12. That is, to the exclusion of every other name - Buddha, Muhammad, or Brian. This will cause us to suffer - carrying the name in which lies the Person and Work unto an exclusive salvation. But do we not, like Paul, carry that name as Christians?
What was Paul doing after his encounter with Christ - we find him praying, spending time with the disciples for "some days", stowing away into Arabia for three years, staying with Peter for 15 days, - why? Why all of this spiritual discipline, all of this musing? In part, I think, Paul was counting the cost of following Jesus Christ, - Christ was "(showing) him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." And one by one, Paul wrote LOSS over everything - everything - on purpose - that he might gain Christ and be found in Him, that he would know Him and the power of His resurrection.
In view of the supremacy of Christ have I...have you counted the cost and found all things LOST for His sake? What things have you counted LOSS? What things must you reckon still that you have not yet? "If anyone comes to me and does not hate...his own life, he cannot be my disciple." May we all count the cost in view of the indescribable beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ and the promise that we have in Him, for if we have Him we have all things pertaining to life and godliness and glory.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
John Piper on Returning to Doctrinally Focused Local Church Planting
"If I want to see churches planted out from our church and others, why invest so much time and energy in defending and explaining the historic Protestant vision of justification as the imputation of Christ's righteousness? I have answered this already but will say again, I think we have enough churches being planted by means of music, drama, creative scheduling, sprightly narrative, and marketing savvy. And there are too few that are God-centered, truth-treasuring, Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, cross-focused, Spirit-dependent, prayer-soaked, soul-winning, justice-pursuing congregations with a wartime mindset ready to lay down their lives for the salvation of the nations and the neighborhoods. There is a blood-earnest joy that sustains a church like this, and it comes only by embracing Christ-crucified as our righteousness."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Daniel Akin on "Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility"
A few thoughts...
1. As is well known, Calvin did not codify the five points of Calvinism. Akin is absolutely right in pointing this out. They were codified by his closest associates, students, and colleagues who lived in that historical setting - as a response to the disciples of Arminius at the Synod of Dort.
2. In reading some of Calvin's commentary on key passages where the systematized version of Calvinism is at stake, I would argue that Calvin was in fact a Calvinist. Regardless, Calvin was not the first Calvinist, nor is he the first to identify in fetal form the "doctrines of grace". Calvin was fond doctrinally of Augustine.
3. Calvin had no historical reason for codifying or expounding exhaustively the doctrines of grace and, hence, he did not attend to them extensively in his writing. He dealt more with buffeting the Church against the heresies of the papacy, than writing treatises on definite atonement, for example. This, in part, may explain the lack of written evidence concerning Calvin's Calvinism.
4. But we would also be wise to give attention to the codifying of his thought by those who were closest to him, so long as it is in accord with the doctrine of Christ and, thus, biblically balanced as Akin ably states.
5. Beyond these points, I find Akin's assessment of the "five points" well and good, and his pastoral and practical considerations concerning "biblical balance" necessary, edifying, and encouraging. In particular, I wholeheartedly agree with and admire his admonition towards a Godwardness (Point 1), Christ-centeredness, Biblicist position (Point 7), and, as somewhat of an overflow of these things, a fiery evangelical heart and prowess for sinners in this world.
6. I also "Amen!" his call to address these issues with discernment in teaching our congregations. I long to implement a Christian learning/ training center in the mainstream ministry of any church that God would providentially lead me towards. He gets a "Hallelujah!" for making mention of it in the context of youth ministry in order to prepare them for the secular bombardment that awaits most of them. My agreement in these areas is most especially an agreement with God's Word and the injunction to equip the saints for the work of ministry.
7. Lastly, to quote Akin, "Is there a place for differing positions on the issues of election, the extent of the atonement and calling, as well as how we do missions, evangelism, and give the invitation? I am convinced that the answer is yes. Further, I believe we will be the better for it theologically and practically as we engage each other in respectful and serious conversation." I concure with great expectation of further discussion.
8. And in keeping with my nature, I'll add something else after I've written, "Lastly...": Read Spurgeon's quote! In the words of Lloyd off of "Dumb and Dumber" - "It's a good one!" And may God be glorified in Jesus Christ - the J. C.!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Excerpt From "A Narrative of Surprising Conversions," by Jonathan Edwards
"Whatever minister has a like occasion to deal with souls, in a flock under such circumstances, as this was in the last year, I cannot but think he will soon find himself under a necessity, greatly to insist upon it with them, that God is under no manner of obligation to show mercy to any natural man, whose heart is not turned to God: and that a man can challenge nothing either in absolute justice, or by free promise, from any thing he does before he has believed on Jesus Christ, or has true repentance begun in him. (This being the case) It appears to me, that if I had taught those who came to me under trouble any other doctrine (than the absolute sovereignty of God in life, death, and salvation, etc.), I should have taken a direct course utterly to undo them (from what the Spirit of God was doing in them, that is, extending to them the grace of fear and spiritual examination leading to conversion. In other words, he did not pamper their presumptions that they were saved, and therefore he continues...) I should have directly crossed what was plainly the drift of the Spirit of God in his influences upon them; for if they had believed what I said, it would either have promoted self-flattery and carelessness, and so put an end to their awakenings (see parenthesis above); or cherished and established their contention and stife with God, concerning his dealings with them and others, and blocked up their way to that humiliation before the Sovereign Disposer of life and death, whereby God is wont to prepare them for his consolations.
And yet those who have been under awakenings have oftentimes plainly stood in need of being encouraged, by being told of the infinite and all-sufficient mercy of God in Christ; and (also being told) that it is God's manner to succeed diligence, and to bless his own means, that so awakenings and encouragements, fear and hope, may be duly mixed and proportioned to preserve their minds in a just medium (middle place) between the two extremes of self-flattery and despondence, both which tend to slackness and negligence, and in the end to (a false sense of)security.
I think I have found that no discourses have been more remarkably blessed, than those in which the doctrine of God's absolute sovereignty with regard to the salvation of sinners, and his just liberty with regard to answering the prayers, or succeeding the pains, of natural men, continuing such, have been insisted on. I never found so much immediate saving fruit, in any measure, of any discourses I have offered to my congregation, as some from these words, Rom. iii. 19. 'That every mouth may be stopped'; endeavoring to show from thence (that text), that it would be just with God for ever to reject and cast off mere natural men."
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Treasuring Christ in the Midst of Trials: Philippians 3:1-4:1

In this letter, one thing becomes apparent: anyone who desires to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (alright, so that is in 2 Timothy 3:12) - but this is the standard of the Philippian church. They are not perfect as is evident by Paul's prayer for their sanctification and spiritual progression (1:9-11) and chapter 4. But they are not confronted by the apostle concerning anything close to those problems in Corinth, Colossae, Galatia, etc. They have partnered in the Gospel of Christ, praying, giving, and testifying to the grace of God. They herald Christ as Lord as opposed to Caesar. Because of these things, they have enemies, or opponents (1:28), in the face of whom they are not to tremble but be emboldened. They were a persecuted church precisely because they desired to advance the Gospel at all costs.
In chapter 3, Paul puts a face on their opponents: Judaizers (Jewish Christians who asserted that one had to be circumcised and obey the law of Moses plus believe in Christ to be saved; cf. Acts 15:1, 5), and pleasure-seekers or sensualists (3:17-19). And these two groups remain stumbling blocks to this day - the Judaizers are those divisive legalists in your church who would in any way maintain that Christ is deficient to save; the sensualists are those who belong to the world, or are perhaps those who sit amongst you in corporate worship but beyond the church worlds perceive grace as a license to sin.
Paul means to help them endure suffering - notice, he does not tell them to avoid suffering! He has already mentioned it as a grace of God (1:29) and will soon mention it as a worthy consequence of knowing Jesus Christ (3:7-11). He does not mean for them to aim for temporal comfort, but to give them sustenance that will enable them to endure suffering with joy. And what does he recommend to them? The supremacy of Jesus Christ in all things and above all things! This, he says, rightly considered and taken unto sanctification will help you to live and suffer and die - in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ (1:27). Hence the title that I've given to this chapter: Treasuring Christ in the Midst of Trials.
I've broken it down into 5 divisions concentrated on the supremacy of Christ and the meditations that come from it that have served to make my soul exceedingly glad. I offer them to you in hopes of the same outcome -
1. The Supremacy of Christ's Gospel as a meditation on Christ's absolute sufficiency in salvation (3:2-7).
2. The Supremacy of Knowing Christ as a meditation on the gift of faith and Christ's perfect righteousness imputed on that basis - and of the supremacy of this satisfying knowledge that enables us to endure the loss of all worldly things (3:2-9).
3. The Supremacy of Christ's Person and Work as a meditation on counting all things as loss in this material world that we may become less hindered and more intimate in knowing Him - whom by grace we already know, i.e., the sanctifying power of treasuring Christ (3:2-11).
4. The Supremacy of Pursuing Christ Above All Else as a meditation of the ultimate goal of the Christian life and the freeing power inherent in it that enables us to be emboldened with the Gospel and perseverant in persecution (3:2-16).
5. The Supremacy of Christ's Triumphant Power as a meditation upon the supremacy of Christ's sovereign kingdom and end as the source of triumphant living in the midst of trials (3:2-4:1).
With these divisions, I would leave you with what has been an encouraging set of brackets around this incredible text: Chapter 3:1 in conjunction with 4:1 provide an awesome tandem of commands to introduce and close Paul's words. "Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord ," introduces this text and the text explains the command so well - why should we rejoice in the Lord in the midst of suffering? Because Jesus Christ is sovereignly and savingly preeminent in and over all things, strengthening His Church to endure with triumphant joy the experiential pain that comes at the hands of men for the sake of the Gospel. And having expounded the supremacy of Christ and how it prepares us to live and suffer and die well, he concludes with another command of encouragement - "Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved." "Rejoice" and "stand firm in the Lord" offer us a solid battle cry in view of the supremacy of Jesus Christ.
I hope these provide you with some edifying thoughts. If so, feel free to comment as always.
Friday, June 13, 2008
From the "New Attitude Blog" ->

Thursday, June 12, 2008
1 John 2:2: Thoughts on Definite Atonement

"...and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."
This reads very conclusively. There it is - not the church's only but for the whole world! At this point I will not shift gears and turn to that often used argument that John is referring to Jewish believers in the first half of the text and Gentiles in the second half, although it carries some merit (and I also held on to it for a time).
But the attention in this verse is a carry over from what precedes it - Christ our Advocate with the Father when we, the church, sin. He, Christ our Advocate, is also "the propitiation for our sins." Running parallel with this is 1 John 4:10 - "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
Two things of note: first, we have God the Father specifically commissioning His Son to be the propitiation for our sins - God sent Jesus to propitiate the sins of the Church! Ah, but what of John 3:17 - "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him." You might say, see there...! But what of John 3:18, where we have that remarkable narrowing again - "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned," - so that it appears that in 1 John 4:10, the apostle simply shorthands the intention of John 3:17-18.
Secondly, there is no mention of "and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world" in 1 John 4:10 as there is in 1 John 2:2. Why? Because when he mentioned it in 2:2, it was simply an afterthought for clarification, and he did not need to attend to it again. Why is this important? Because 2:2 is focused on the "propitiation for our sins," - those sins that we commit after we have repented and believed in Christ and been baptized, etc. - and its continuation, therefore, is a statement made with regards to the way in which God forgives sin in general. In other words, there are not a half dozen ways in which God makes propitiation for sin, but only one way - by the Lord Jesus Christ - and that at all times towards all sinners in all places forever. Jesus is the propitiation for our sins and not only ours, but this is how he reconciles sinners to God in general, always and everywhere.
J. Ramsey Michaels writes:
"But having introduced an explicit theology of atonement to deal with the specific problem of 'our' sins now, after conversion and baptism, the author adds, almost as an afterthought, that of course this is God's way of dealing with sin always and everywhere: 'and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.' There is not one 'propitiation' for us and another for the rest of the world, but the only sacrifice, and the only way of salvation for all. The point is not the Jesus died for everyone indiscriminately so that everyone is the world is in principle forgiven, but that all those forgiven are forgiven on the basis of Christ's sacrifice and in no other way." (*1)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Encouragement from John Owen
"When the heart is cast indeed into the mould of the doctrine that the mind embraceth, - when the evidence and necessity of the truth abides in us, - when not the sense of the words only is in our heads, but the sense of the thing abides in our hearts - when we have communion with God in the doctrine that we contend for - then shall we be garrisoned by the grace of God against all the assaults of men."
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Supremacy of Christ for Righteousness: A Look at Philippians 3:4-7
"He does not speak of the disposition exercised by him, but he intimates, that he has also ground of glorying, if he were inclined to imitate their folly. The meaning therefore is, 'My glorying, indeed, is placed in Christ, but, were it warrantable to glory in the flesh, I have also no want of materials.' And from this we learn in what manner to reprove the arrogance of those who glory in something apart from Christ. If we are ourselves in possession of those very things in which they glory, let us not allow them to triumph ove Christ by an unseemly boasting, without retorting upon them also our grounds of glorying, that they may understand that it is not through envy that we reckon of no value, nay, even voluntarily renounce those things on which they set the highest value. Let, however, the conclusion be always of this nature - that all confidence in the flesh is vain and preposterous." (*2)
I find his words helpful. That if Christians have lived such exemplary external lives prior to knowing Christ, then it is leverage to be used in sharing the Gospel, so that when an unbeliever confronts us with his outward heritage and fleshly accolades as a defense against condemnation and an advantage or basis of salvation and self-glorying, we may with confidence reply, "this is a foolish thing to boast in, but on the hypothetical argument that the externalities of religion are the basis of salvation, then I have more reason to boast in the flesh than you (if in fact we do!): "I was born into a religous home, professedly Christian; I was baptized as an infant; I was confirmed at the age of 13; I partook of the sacraments regularly; as to my life, I was not the prototypical teenager - I never partied, had sex, or gave my parents mental breakdowns, etc." And then having triumphed (albeit foolishly), humbly and adamantly state, "but whatever gain I had I counted as loss for the sake of Christ," that is, every fleshly advantage I had, I forfeited that I might have Christ, for what is a man's righteousness before God's righteousness? What, indeed, would be the reason for me to hold on to an approximation, which is external only, when in the Gospel, perfection is offered me through faith in Christ, and perfection, internally and externally, before God and men is what is required; and this Christ is for me! He alone was pleasing to the Father in Himself, and no man could condemn Him of sin either.
My fleshly advantages were (in truth) hindrances to me in coming to that which God required of me, when I made those advantages my boast and the basis of my eternal security. Christ's rightousness does not fall short. So let us say to them that our pre-Christian lives were more exemplary, if in fact they were, but that such boasting is foolishness, for no man attains to the righteousness of God but through faith in Christ - therefore, all that I considered gain (and if you are witnessing - "all that you right now consider gain for yourself unto eternal life") I count as loss! Why? For the sake of gaining Christ, the righteousness of God for me, the sinner. May the supremacy and the sufficiency of Christ's person and work ever be our solid foundation, hope, and boast.
*1: Hughes, R. Kent; Preaching the Word Commentary on Philippians; pg. 123.
*2: Calvin, John; Calvin's Commentaries; Philippians; pgs. 89-90.
Friday, June 6, 2008
All Violence and No Compassion: Bystander Syndrome or Indwelling Sin?
But in these past months, I have seen an overflow of indwelling sin in a manner most disturbing and burdening to me:
1. In Florida, eight young teenagers, six of them young girls attack one girl, taking turns throwing haymakers, leaving the girl partially blind, deaf, and broken - and the videotaped it for public viewing! No compassion became them.
2. On the campuses of Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois, gunmen took lives without remorse.
3. Members of an FLDS sect are vindicated despite evidence that young girls, even to the age of 13, had been married to much older men, and slept with, while other children were found to have untreated broken bones.
4. A couple of days ago, I came unto a story of a mother, who having murdered her three year-old daughter in 1979, had kept the deceased child in her closet at home for over twenty years!
5. And then yesterday, a 78 year old man was the unfortunate recipient of this hit and run (continue with caution; this is extremely graphic, but a shocking portrayal of the inward reality of the fruit of indwelling sin; here the fruit is violence and a complete lack of love and compassion or moral compass involving severl people). For those of you just interested in the story (and my take on the news affiliates commentary) continue reading:
First, that the car committing the crime was crossing a double yellow line; second, that he sped off without hesitating; thirdly, how many cars continue to pass him by while he lies motionless on the street; fourthly, how many people stand idly by; fifthly, that one car coming his way stops in the road, reverses and goes the other way without a care; sixthly, a man on a moped circles the man and then leaves the scene. Absolutely no concern for human life, and of course, this is where we are today in America. This is not shocking to me, but affirming to me what I read in the Bible. How do news affiliates deal with our lack of compassion in this video? They call it "Bystander Syndrome." Bystander Syndrome? They even gave a three step process that everyone goes through when they witness something like this: First, they assimilate what they've witnessed, then they go through the "diffusion of responsibility", and lastly, they decide that they are not able to help due to lack of training! What they deem "bystander syndrome", I deem indwelling sin! I think this is a more accurate portrayal of the inward case, though not an intense one. This picture comes courtesy of

This is the perfect portrayal:
"And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness...All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one...Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes," Romans 1:28-29, 3:12, 15-18.
And this is a call to Gospel mobilization. How can we who so often sit lazily and comfortably in our pews continue to do so without the slightest hint of burden for people who are dead in trespasses and sins, knowing that God is willing and able (and Him alone) to raise sinners from the miry clay? Did he not do this for you also? Oh, that "Christians" in America would stop telling themselves that everything is "fine", that we are "so blessed spiritually in this nation", and the true Church would again take up its Cross - in America! That this nation would be ground zero of a God-Awakening!
Let the Church, then, take up their Sword. Let us slay men and this nation with the Gospel; that is, let us, by the grace of God, preach the Gospel of Christ, of repentance towards God and of faith in Jesus Christ. Let our obedience be full and missionary in its activity. Let us not rely on stupid psychological babble as a means of explaining away plain sin, but instead, let us expose sin for what it is, and the eternal consequences of it, in the heralding of a pure Gospel, and then, let us turn them to the love and comfort of Christ who, Himself, we viciously crucified because, in part, He wasn't like us in our sinful ways, though He became us, and our sinful ways on the cross of His passion. May God help us in our endeavor, for nothing will be accomplished lest He grant it, and let us pray to the Lord of the harvest for this nation and its state of depravity, that God will not forsake us in holy wrath but be that which He is continuously as well- gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. Brothers, today, bear Gospel arms; arise, preach the Gospel, love one another, love unbelievers, push forward for the faith of the Gospel. Our state is not one to discourage us, for Christ has already won - He is Christus Victor! Therefore, in view of God's grace upon our own previous rebellion, His love for us in Christ, His mercy cast upon us in the laver of regeneration while we all were yet sinners, let us all the more go with the Gospel in the authority of Christ, for perhaps God will relent and bear spiritual children for Christ's sake and for His glory. May it be so in Christ's name, Amen.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Luther on Substitutionary Atonement
"When the merciful Father saw that we were being oppressed through the Law, that we were being held under a curse, and that we could not be liberated from it by anything, he sent his Son into the world, heaped all the sins of all men upon him, and said to him: 'Be Peter the denier; Paul the persecutor, blasphemer, and assaulter; David the adulterer; the sinner who ate the apple in Paradise; the thief on the cross. In short, be the person of all men, the one who has committed the sins of all men. And see to it that you pay and make satisfaction for them.' Now the Law comes and says: 'I find him a sinner, who takes upon himself the sins of all men. I do not see any other sins than those in him. Therefore let him die on the cross!' And so it attacks him and kills him. By this deed the whole world is purged and expiated from all sins, and thus it is set free from death and from every evil."
Thoughts on Grace
...let it be known that the grace of God is the far greater motivation to take up our personal cross, to engage in Christian practice and responsibility, to obey our Lord Jesus Christ, to live as responsible Christians, than that human motivation alone; for by the human motivation one may attend to human things or to spiritual things in their own strength (and therefore ineffectually and incompletely), and if they do attend to them, they attend to them with an incomplete obedience (which is no obedience), for they do them with a rotten attitude that stinks in light of God. But that grace which is Divine, when it comes to us in effectual power, it masters us and by mastering us it frees us to do those things that are most pleasing to God. And our doing of them is an obedience pleasing to God, for it comes from Him, and we dare not grumble or complain in the doing of those things that glorify Him, but due to grace we rejoice even if the doing results in our dying, for by grace we know with certainty that the Gospel will advance and the Church will be edified even in the event of one's persecution and suffering for the sake of Christ. Yes, effectual grace must be our daily plea before God, so that we may do what God would have us do...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Desiring God Staff on 2 Peter 2:1
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."
- and whether or not it defends an indefinite atonement (or that it opposes the view of definite atonement). An article was posted on the issue of this verse at the Desiring God website on January 1, 2007 - "Does 2 Peter 2:1 Deny Effectual Atonement?" I find it helpful and challenging. My aim is to engage in edifying discussion over key texts, as it is my hope that in your reading of this article you will feel compelled to comment and converse. The first issue in the article seems to concern the context; the second issue stems from Grudem's cross reference between 2 Peter 2:1 and Exodus 2:1, that Peter is pointing his audience to the Exodus of Israel; the third issue is that of language - is "the Lord who bought them" referring to Jesus or to God the Father in reference to Deut. 32:6; the fourth issue arises out of the question of reality vs. appearance in relation to those who deny the Master.
Beyond this, however, I find something more compelling. If you hold that this text denies definite atonement, I would lay the burden of explanation upon you. What does this text really mean by the term "bought". Do you really think that what "bought" means in this text is that those who deny the Master, when they die, will be saved if they die in their denial? Of course not - I hope! If those who deny Christhave been bought by Christ, but they are not saved in the last day, what does "bought" mean? Do you think that what this text means is that those who were bought will be in heaven if they do not believe in Christ? Again, of course not! Then what does bought mean? It means that He made a sufficient payment for those who deny, but not an effectual payment for them - unless they turn and believe, in which case Christ effectually bought them - His atonement really paid for them. If you would say that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient for all but effecient towards those who believe in Him, then (being reformed) I have no problems with that interpretation - we agree! It is not what the proponents of the contrary position affirm that I have a problem with, but what they deny (and what I happen to find taught in Scripture). In other words, every one is stuck with a limited atonement unless you are a universalist (and completely unbiblical) - it just depends on how you limit it; either in number or actuality, scope or power, etc. Regardless, the real issue hangs not on the atonement but on election - how is the atonement applied or where does faith come from? What makes the difference between those who deny and those who believe? 2 Peter 2:1 in no way denies the effecting of the sacrifice of Christ, but concerns its sufficiency. It term bought here does not negate what the reformed view calls for - please offer your thoughts...
Monday, June 2, 2008
11 Lectures From John Piper on TULIP
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Confessions and Resolutions: Encouraged by Jonathan Edwards - Part 3

Resolution #2: Resolved, to be continually endeavoring to find out some new invention and contrivance to promote the fore-mentioned things.
I take this to mean that he intended to be tireless in endeavoring in those things that most glorified God and pleased Him, which glorification obviously implies that advantage for his own soul and that of others. In terms of Gospel endeavor, it seems that he was of the mind to always be finding points of reference with men to advance it; and since contrivances and inventions are intended to make difficult tasks more simple (though not without mature thinking), it appears that he intended by such inventions to make plain the glory of God in Christ to men so as to win some. But this resolve is relative to personal life also. For how does one promote the glory of God and the profit of souls without an intimate striving after holiness and satisfaction in Him who is most satisfying? By endeavoring in these inventions and contrivances, I find an echo of Paul's words in Romans 13:14, "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ (apostolic shorthand for the Gospel), and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires." By contrivances, we may also talk of keeping oneself out of situations in which our fleshly desires are sure to meet that attractive temptation out which wedding comes sin. By inventions, let us know ourselves and stay ahead of ourselves with the help of God's Spirit that by purity and growth in restraint we might not give ourselves occasion to sin - this is most glorifying to God and most beneficial for us and our witness to that greatest need in others. But positively, it is a call (having put off sin) to be satisfied in God and to contrive of ways in which to do this: take a walk with God as Edwards often did in the woods for prayer; in the ways that we might think of spending time with our wives, let us think likewise towards God. With the pslamist let us pant for God and so endeavor to be satisfied in Him: "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you (ah, there it is - he is earnest in his invention for seeking); my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for I have looked for you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory...(and you want to talk about contrivances and inventions?)...My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night," Psalm 63:1, 2, and 5.
Resolution #3: Resolved, if ever I shall fall and grow dull, so as to neglect to keep any part of these Resolutions, to repent of all I can remember, when I come to myself again.
Here we find encouragement to have our own biblical resolutions - personal accountability, that accountability with ourselves. By writing such resolutions that are the outpouring of our souls, we will in reading them be confronted with ourselves, and with that soulish resolve. Therefore, we will be reminded and held accountable, and if we have forsaken a resolve that was in accord with the Bible, then we will immediately repent of every shortcoming that He brings to mind. It is a thing worth noting that our initial repentance towards God results in an inward principle of repentance by which we continually repent towards God so long as we live. Sometimes it is comforting to know that Paul battled sin, or that Edwards battled sin, or that any modern spiritual hero battles with sin, so we are assured to have examples of them who overcame them in Christ in our own battles. How this is a humbling thing - our resolutions are often greater than our obedience! Let us then cling to Christ, and thank God for Him who was tempted in every way as we are yet without sin! Allow me to leave this resolution with a practical thought:
Have you ever awakened (as I often do) without the slightest inclination to pursue those things that most glorify God and are most to your spiritual advantage? Yes! But we should not be surprised or angry at God for this seeing He is the One who supplies even our daily rations of faith. For if we arise in complacency, it is because we have awakened in ourselves, and thus, it ought to be our humble plea to God for mercy and grace that day! It is an amazing meditation - our absolute dependency upon God!
Resolution #4: Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.
When we think of soul, we think of mind or will, or the immaterial aspect of our person. When we think of body, we think of our substance or matter. The resolve then seems to be never to do any manner of thing in one's thought life or practice, never to be any manner of thing in one's thought life or practice, and never to suffer any manner of thing in one's thought life or practice that does not serve the glory of God. Positively, in thought and deed, principle and practice, affection and activity, will and work, our chief attendance is to the glory of God. What an example of right striving! Let every aspect of our person be fueled by and funneled towards the glory of God. Since, in Edwards thought, and in my own, God's greatest passion is His own glory, this resolve is a resolve to will and work in accordance with God. So he sets his sights on God's glory and aims to let nothing detour him from attaining his resolve. May God help us also to propose to our own souls and bodies a like proposal to join with God in glorifying Him.
Confession and Resolution. I have often put myself in situations that I know are not ideal for glorifying God or profiting another, much less my own soul, and this in outright defiance of God's convicting Spirit. Resolved, to pursue personal and biblical creativity, sensitivity, and accountability in life and ministry chiefly aimed at maintaing my witness, advancing the Gospel, and agreeing with my Lord in promoting and attending to, with unceasing fervency, the Glory of God.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Confessions and Resolutions: Encouraged by Jonathan Edwards - Part 2
"1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever."

Commentary. It is a humility worthy of our imitation that he introduces his resolutions with a plea for God's help. I offered that introduction to you in the last blog. Simply, Edwards is of the biblical mind that his success in keeping these resolutions is wholly dependent upon God's gracious help, so far as these resolutions accord with God's will.
This first resolution seems to bring about the matter of decision-making in his life and the basis of those decisions. It appears from the phrase, "that I will do whatsoever", introduces the idea of selection - that in the course of our day we are confronted with multiple things that we may do, and that the objects of these decisions may be good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, moral vs. sinful, or perhaps, optimum good vs. lesser goods. But out of the many things that we may think, say, or do, what are the things that we actually will think, say, or do? And what is the basis of those decisions? (I believe the biblical passage that he is most accurately attempting to resolve is that of 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1.) But for his own answer, let us continue -
The basis of those decisions is, he answers, "whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory, and my own good, profit, and pleasure." So we infer, not just to God's glory or our own good, profit, and pleasure, but that which is most participative in those ideas. In other words, we will often be confronted with many things that are lawful for us and that glorify God, but may not be the most helpful to others, and therefore, may not be the most God glorifying. This requires our greatest consideration. It is enough in this commentary to state that Edwards' resolution encourages us to base our daily "doings" upon what most glorifies God and what is most to our own good, profit, and pleasure - these two considerations appear to be the basis of decisiveness. And this will be his course during his life, for it appears that this will be his course in eternity, yet without hindrance. Thus, by the mention of "time", he means never to excuse himself from the consideration of what most glorifies God and what most fulfills his own others-oriented pleasures.
But I would also interject from reading Edwards that the personal good, profit, and pleasure that he speaks of is not a good, profit, and pleasure that is confined to himself, for that would be self-centered, and unbiblical. From Scripture we may deduce that there is a kind of personal gain that is godly - that is, the gain that we seek in the gain of others. So long as our good, profit, and pleasure is most occupied with the good of others and seeks their good as an end servant to the ultimate end of glorifying God, then that personal good, profit, and pleasure is a righteous pursuit. In other words, I do not think that Edwards is here referring to a self-confined pursuit, but a personal pleasure in the good and profit of another to the glory of God. I believe that I am right to conclude this because of the next link in his resolution -
"Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general." From this I would draw that he sees his duty as that conformity to the Scriptures, the golden rule of Christ, and in connection to the aforementioned resolution - simply, that this aspect of his resolution is the overflow of the prior resolution. As he (we) does (do) what is most God-glorifying in every situation, with the pursuit of his own good, profit, and pleasure, the overflow will be the resolve to do whatever is to the "good and advantage of mankind in general." This is much like that overflow that we find often in Paul, who makes his own subjective desires to be with Christ in glory the source of and servant to the objective needs of the Church, that by continuing with them he might work with them for their progression and joy in the faith (Philippians 1:21-26).
Now we must ask, what is that good and advantage which is "most" good and advantageous for mankind? The resolve towards this end in and of itself agrees with that sentiment of the Holy Spirit when through Paul He inspired, "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others," Philippians 2:4. Directly following is the example of Christ's humiliation, and thus, it figures that that greatest good and advantage for mankind is that which comes through faith in Christ, or by the testimony of the Gospel. That which is most good and advantageous is their salvation. Edwards resolved to make this an end in his life and ministry, and so should we.
As to the third link, it is the link of expectancy - that when one resolves to do what most glorifies God, and what is most profitable to himself, which is his own growth in Christ and the salvation and profit of others, that difficulties will follow. Simply, that to meet the prior resolutions will result in affliction and difficulties, but as he also resolves to do these things no matter the degree or amount of the difficulties which attend to it, so we may rightly infer and find remarkable encouragement from him in that he considers the two former resolves greater than the difficulties that will attend to them and so comes the third link! For when he resolves to do the first two links of the resolution in spite of the expected difficulties that will follow them, he concludes that to glorify God supremely and to be concentrated on one's own pleasure (when that pleasure is another person's pleasure in Jesus Christ) are two resolutions whose reward is greater than the difficulties that come with the pursuit of them and, therefore, he gives a greater weight to God's glory and the advance of the Gospel than he does to affliction for the sake of them. This is truly encouraging - he resolves to glorify God and advance the Gospel (personally and publicly) despite the greatest of trials and tribulations.
My Own Confession and Resolution. First, that this commentary has been longer than the rest will be, but hey, it's an awesome resolution worthy of our consideration and imitation in so far as it aligns with Scripture, which I hold that it does. I confess that I often think, do, and say many things in any given hour that do not hold up to such a resolution. I often do not even consider what most glorifies God in a given moment with given possibilities. And I often confine my pleasure to those things that do not in any way build up others.
I resolve, therefore, with God's help, to pursue the servitude that I find in Christ with the intention of setting before all men the Gospel of Christ to the glory of God, that this might be the thing that most enthralls my affection. Moreover, that I might always, in every place, under any trial, seek and do that which most glorifies God, knowing that that will be my greatest good, profit, and pleasure both now and in eternity.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Confessions and Resolutions: Encouraged by Jonathan Edwards - Part 1

My aim is to offer his Resolutions, first to my own consideration, and then to yours, with brief biblical commentary, and my own resolutions (though these may or may not be necessarily reflective of Edwards' own resolutions in each blog). Along with these, I would like to add (pastorally) my own confessions also, that my resolutions might be a matter of repentance as well as a source of accountability. I want to encourage you to take the time to meditate through the resolutions of Edwards that you might have a foundation for your own and that they will be in accord with the doctrine of Christ. To help you get started, I want to provide for you an exerpt from George Claghorn's introduction to Edwards' Resolutions. I have also added a link to Edwards' web page at the site that Yale has dedicated to him under "Educational Tools" down in the far right column. Please offer your thoughts also!
And just to wet your confessional whistle I will leave you with Edward's own introduction to his Resolutions, his humble and Christ-centered confession of his personal need of God's help in keeping such resolve:
"Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ's sake."